Creative Communications for Telling Your Story
- (646) 741-5225
- info@princetoncreative.com
- PO Box 1500 Princeton, NJ 08542
You need the right message to truly connect with your audience. We can help with content, strategy and planning, value propositions, press releases, newsletters, copywriting and editing, reports, web and online marketing and much more.
Clients have trusted us for over two decades to distill complex information into beautiful, effective PowerPoint presentations, pitch decks, and templates. We can also provide research on your topic and training to help you reach your audience.
Sometimes you need a little extra something to really engage your audience. We can help with video production, editing, music, voiceovers, storyboarding and scripting. Plus, we'll help you strategize and deploy the results.
Let our designs speak for your brand. All types of graphics, brand imagery, logos, scientific posters, signage, trade show graphics, custom icons, social media graphics and more. Any client. Any industry. Any audience.
Sometimes our clients need just a little bit more than standard design. That’s why we created our DesignPlusTM service. We can help build your visual communications from start to finish, from initial concept to the final design.
Here’s a selection of recent work samples. We tailor every project to meet client needs, so we’re happy to work with your brand guidelines and your in-house marketing, sales or development teams to help tell your story. If you don’t see what you need below, that doesn’t mean we haven’t done it. With decades of client service under our belts, we’ve worked on just about every type of design and communications project.
Design must communicate, and communications must be thoughtfully designed. It’s a simple concept but not always easy to execute. We can help.
Our team of creative visual designers and storytellers specialize in distilling complex information into attractive and effective forms.
Presentations, graphics, reports, posters, trade show displays, branding, internal and external communications, whatever is needed to reach an audience is what we’re all about. We’ve got decades of experience delivering the highest quality visual design and communications products for our clients.
Here’s a selection of slides from one of our clients in the Life Sciences space.
For this project (and many others) we also supplied research, custom illustrations, script development and speaker notes. Many of our projects in this industry are proprietary and under NDA’s but we have done thousands (no kidding!) of PowerPoint slides, infographics, scientific posters, booth and event graphics, brand assets and more.
Clients include Cerevel Therapeutics, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Chinook Therapeutics, Click Therapeutics, Homology Medicines, Eliem Therapeutics, Women of Color in Pharma (WOCIP) and more.
Click on the image to see the slides.
We’ve collected a handful of slides from some of our major clients so you can see the range of styles and content that we can produce. A lot of our work is confidential and under non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s) so in some cases we’ve stripped out the text and stats and replaced with our good friend lorem ipsum.
Just click on the image to the left to view a handful of samples, all created to the client’s specifications.
This is one of several 24″ x 36″ mounted posters for financial client Flat Rock Global to use at conferences and events. These are standard poster size and are typically displayed on a collapsible easel stand.
Brand colors and imagery are combined with just enough information to get conference attendees to stop at the booth and strike up a conversation with the sales team. A QR code is added (yes they’re back… in a big way!) to bring conference goers directly to the website.
Of course, financial companies typically need some sort of disclaimers for compliance, so they are tucked in to the bottom left in the smallest readable text size for viewers at a conference booth.
We all know how much information has to be included in scientific posters for conferences and other industry events.
We have created dozens of posters like the one you see here. And yes, with our DesignPlus service, we help with creating custom graphics, proofreading, converting posters to slides (and vice versa) and so much more.
Just click on the image to get a closer look.
We design, produce and even author all types of reports from simple four page program updates to complex annual reports for financial, law and pharmaceutical businesses. Here’s a simple design that illustrates the organization’s programs and results for a particular year.
Just click on the cover image to the left to view the full publication.
Custom iPad Training Guide
Companies often need customized training guides for the way they use common devices and equipment.
Here’s one we developed for a global Pharmaceutical company for an iPad rollout to their senior staff.
We’ve also done these guides for PowerPoint, Word, OneDrive, Sharepoint and more.
Click on the image to see sample pages from the guide.
Designers Miran and Dan worked together on this project for the award winning Rutgers Business school. They collaborated on style, layout, typesetting, graphics and more. The result was this impactful 44 page magazine.
After this, we won some other contracts with Rutgers to develop PowerPoint presentations for the University President’s yearly address, in addition to a few other graphics jobs and some web design work for the Education department.
Click on the cover image to see the full publication.
A Whitepaper is a piece that is often used to established Subject Matter Expertise (SME) positioning in a given market or for a specific niche audience. They typically contain a good deal of information, so there is a lot of text to layout.
Designer Georgia Frank created this piece for Verizon. Layout of text, photos and graphic elements had to be balanced and not too hard on the eyes, given how much info the client needed to present.
Click on the image to the left to see more.
We developed this one sheet for client Digital Doc, a local franchise in the Princeton, New Jersey area .
The audience for this project was busy IT and tech managers at local corporations and organizations who need expert repair and quick turnaround for corporate teams.
Simple icons provide an at-a-glance look at the features that the client needed to convey.
We are PowerPoint experts and can make just about anything work as a presentation. Representing complex information in this format is one of our specialties.
But we also love when we get a chance to create a PowerPoint that is mostly just visual accompaniment, as in the case of this presentation supporting a talk on the benefits of living and doing business locally.
The black background was a choice to make the simple graphics and photos really pop and yet not divert too much attantion away from the speaker, who was really the center of focus. Just click the image to see what we mean.
Everyone loves colorful icons!
Icons not only help to lead the eye across a page, they can also help illustrate the character of a set of items that would otherwise require additional explanatory text.
Icons also help to establish brand identity through use of specific colors and styles. Some of these are quite simple, indicating a conservative feeling to a brand, while others have a more hand-drawn or abstract look, denoting a more casual or creative brand indentity.
This green energy client needed a custom illustration to visually explain how community solar works.
The audience for this particular project are homeowners and renters in the NYC Metro area, and most are unfamilar with solar power.
This illustration appears on the programs website and is also used in community presentations and marketing materials.
These clients were both interested in presenting a very relaxing, meditative image on the front cover (left column) and relevent production details like tracks, musicians, charity connections and the like on the inside pages and back cover (right column).
Layouts for CD Digipaks are typically created in 4 connected panels, as represented in the right hand column, and are folded by the CD manufacturer to create the single shrink wrapped package we are familiar with.
Additional design work accompanied both of these projects, including one sheets, displays and web graphics.
Working with a local videographer, Princeton Creative scripted, co-directed and even wrote the music for this short video to help explain the programs and services of a Trenton, NJ nonprofit.
We also had previously helped this long established organization through a complete name and branding change including graphics, press, web design, event production and more.
Here’s a handful of infographics that we created for two of our clients, a global pharmaceutical firm and a west coast real estate advisory business.
According to client needs, infographics can range from a simple single image to more complex collections of information that are best communicated with the aid of visuals.
Just click on the image to the left to have a look.